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French aperitif made according to the traditional method of maceration of Montmorency griottes cherries in alcohol and darker and sweeter cherries.
Degree : 16%
Country of Origin : France
Created in Angers in the 17th century, the Guignolet fits perfectly into the trend of "apéritifs vintage". It is "Temps des cerises" rediscovered, with family or friends, for a moment of conviviality.
Born in Angers in the 17th century at the Couvent de la Fidélité where the Benedictines macerated cherries in eau de vie, particularly the
"petite guigne" which gave its name to the Guignolet...
After the Revolution, the relay was taken over by the corporation of confectioners-liquorists and apothecaries, and the manufacture of Guignolet was more widely developed in the 19th century by the liquorists of the region.
This is how Emile Giffard, an Angevin pharmacist who became a liqueur maker in 1885 with the creation of the Menthe-Pastille, produced the GUIGNOLET D’ANGERS.
No colorant
Pure, very chilled or on ice.
with Guignolet d'Angers